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Awful UI
Status Frame

StatusFrames allow you to display interactive heads-up status information


Calling StatusFrame will create a status frame for your UI. It saves its own position separately from your main UI, and has a lock/unlock button for the user to position and lock it where they like.

StatusFrame has a growing list of its own elements to display interactive heads-up status information based on your settings in real time.

local ui, ... = awful.UI:New(...)

local statusFrame = ui:StatusFrame(options)

Getting Started

Initial Setup

Create a StatusFrame

  • ui:StatusFrame has 1 param, options

Optional Options:

The following options are optional, but allow for customization of the StatusFrame.

colors - config :

  • there are a few minor differences with colors here:
      1. colors.enabled is used for Enabled text in Toggles.
      1. colors.disabled is used for Disabled text in Toggles.
      1. colors.value is used for value text in some elements
      1. colors.primary used everywhere else

fontSize {number}, normal font size for text in the status frame. other font sizes used will scale relative to this one.

maxWidth {number}, max width of the StatusFrame before elements begin wrapping to create a new row.

column {boolean}, pass this if you want all elements to be stacked on top of each other

Creation Example

local statusFrame = ui:StatusFrame({
	fontSize = 12,
	colors = {
    -- transparent bg
		background = {0, 0, 0, 0},
    -- cool blue value text
		value = {30, 240, 255, 1},
	maxWidth = 450,
	-- column = true